Sunday, August 14, 2016

Notes for my future self

NOTE #1: You are on top.

Do you ever just look back in time and think about the times when you thought that you'll never make it this far? Or when you thought that you were too weak to survive and that you had no energy left to fight?
Well, you were wrong. Here you are now, stronger than ever. You have survived and you have made it here. You've had ups and downs yet you never gave up, so don't you ever say that you can't do this and that, because darling, you DEFINITELY can.

Remember your first period cramps? When you were aching and didn't understand what kind of pain you were in. Yet you got out of bed, went to school and had a normal day. And when your mood was so fucked up that you had no energy to do anything or talk to anyone, but your family was forcing you to talk, to sit on the table with them and pretend that you're enjoying the whole family gathering thing. You managed to do that. You've always been good at hiding your feelings just so you wouldn't make someone sad although you knew no one cared.

Remember your first crush? When you used to watch him talk to every other girl at school except for you. When you wanted so bad to talk to him and be close to him, yet you were too shy to make that move. Remember when you used to stalk him online? Those butterflies in your stomach every time you see him online, the texts you wrote but ended up not sending every time and the tears you shed when you knew that he had a girlfriend. How much you envied her and wanted to be her. But just look around you, is she anywhere near you now? Is she as successful? Did she make it as far?

Remember when they used to make fun of you at high school because of your nerdy look? The braces and the glasses and the books you read. Tell me now, does anyone of them know about world war1 or 2? Black holes? The Palestinian cause..  Yet you knew. Books are the bridge you walked on to be where u are now.

All of these things above were the fuel you needed in order to blossom and be the strong successful lady you are now. That has made of you the you you are now. The you, who everyone thought would give up on life years ago. Yet she made it this far. So congratulations, you are where you should be. You're on the top.


  1. You go girl you rock! <3 Great job!

  2. Everything that we go through is a lesson that helps us to grow. Every pain, heartbreak, life lesson, are all fought through to show us who we really are. It's so beautiful that you would see that already as young as you are! Keep fighting the good fight, my dear. You are stronger and braver than you know! I'm proud of you!

    1. Your words mean a lot. Thank you my favorite creature on this planet I love you❤

  3. thank you for posting the notes
    you may wrote them for your future self but i felt like they were for me
    the family, the crush, the bulling
    it is such a relief to know that someone went through the same shit as you and isn't afraid to talk about moreover you sound so hopeful, determined and strong
    i think that your blog will be a great inspiration to many people and hope all the best for you

    1. Your words are so beautiful think u so much.

  4. Fabulous notes
    Just go on you rock darling ♡

  5. Great job baby, you're a strong, successful, amazing woman and this is just the beginning ❤️

  6. Simplyy amazing , I'm in love <3

  7. I know this is to your future self, but I found this truly inspiring and relatable. Thank you so much for writing this <3 You're amazing

    1. Oh so are you! This is to all the girls in the world. We've all been there. Thank you for reading and for your comment❤

  8. Reading this before starting the day made me so happy and motivated me to be productive today! Beautiful words ❤️ Keep working!!

    1. I am so glad I got to motivate you. This made my day, like really. Thank you so much ❤

  9. Great dear, woman is the strongest sex, she have to be always on the top

  10. Great dear, woman is the strongest sex, she have to be always on the top

  11. As I told you,it's awesome! keep it up pumpkin <3

  12. Felt like u'r talking to me ! U knew exactly what kind of experiences a girl goes through to make the change .. To build a stronger one..! Exactly the hard feelings,the thoughts and so on !
    It's amazing girl! U rock !
    Something so real,so touching,so special..
    Great job carry on mate :*

  13. AMAZING! Everytime i feel depressed or i need some motivation i will come back and read this everytime. Thank you so much! You go girl, keep up the good work.

  14. You remember these time you have read something and it made you smile and feel that life is extremely beautiful and people can see that clearly?
    Reading this post is one of those times for me
    All my love to you brave girl :*

  15. Thank you for spreading positive vibes and for helping people feel motivated and for making brightening their day , My day! Thank you for saying that it makes me feel less lonely in the universe like I'm not the only one feeling this way or going through things. Thank you again and please keep writing and posting ❤.

    1. I will! Thank you so much for your words. ❤❤ you're such a love

  16. First off, thank you so much for sharing this with me, it means a lot.
    I'm pretty sure, at some point, every girl has gone through these things and that is the beauty of your work, it's so relatable yet it deals with your personal experience of transitioning from a girl to a woman. It keep going, the absolute is unreachable, our lives, happiness, you name it, everything is fluctuating and to think that we must stop and give up whenever we face hardships is a very flawed way of thinking.
    I salute you dear Sarah for having kept going and most importantly for congratulating yourself and embracing your past and present self, because that's what one must do.
    You're on the right track, don't let the world spoon feed you bullshit, you're capable of way more than you'll ever imagine.
    Hajer Tounsi

    1. This is the best comment I ever recieved all day thank you so much!!!!! You're amazing

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
